Thursday 20 June 2013

Liga - Transfer round-up: Malaga 'don't need to sell' Isco

A round-up of the day's Spanish transfer gossip, as Malaga vice-president Moayad Shatat has warned Real Madrid and Manchester City that they will only sell Isco 'at the right offer'.

The young playmaker confirmed earlier this week that both Madrid and City have put forward proposals for him to consider this summer, amid continued speculation that he will be sold.

However, Malaga have affirmed today that they will only sell the player, who has a €35m buyout clause, at an amount they are happy with.

Monday 17 June 2013

Google Balloon: Internet from the stratosphere, for the entire planet!

Google has released some internet antenna for transmitting the stratosphere. These antennas are shaped balloon, and through their Google hopes to cover the entire planet with the Internet.

After 18 months of intensive work, Google's secret project which she called "Loon Project" was introduced to the public in New Zealand, where 50 families who were volunteering on the project website received signal, which comes from the stratosphere.

Although Google project is still in an early stage of testing, the company hopes to soon release hundreds of balloons into thin air, with which to bring the Internet to the entire planet, including the most remote parts of which there will never be covered by the network.

If the tests prove to be successful, the technology could enable many countries to reduce the cost of building infrastructure and increasing use of the Internet, in places like Africa and Southeast Asia. Currently, access to the Internet have over 2.2 billion people across the planet.

Sunday 16 June 2013

"It was brought from buried" new song of Victor

Albanian legendary rapper, Victor, has released his new song, entitled "I brought from vorri".

Song of the Albanian fans awaited the benchmark was launched exactly at midnight on 15 June, as was announced and many may have good enough reception.

Victoria once appeared in an extremely high level, keeping his iconic style lyricizmit, which also commonly known by many as one of the 'poets' best Albanian.

In this song, which was released in audio version (as Victor has never launched video) Victor interprets powerful text that speaks mainly about the visit he made ​​last year at home and how this has motivated him to return more powerful.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Facebook introduces the clickable hashtag

Facebook has introduced hashtags, function already familiar to users, ie numerical sign (#) used by Twitter, Instagram and other social networks, which enables users to identify the topics discussed on the site, and their search easier .
In a new posting on her blog, Facebook said that users will now be able to click a hashtag to see a list of discussions around a particular theme.

For example, if you create a hashtag for "telegraph" or "slip", Facebook will connect all posts related to those words, to enable a user to click to find all posts for the Telegraph, or topics related to the word English.

Facebook said that hashtags are a first step towards easing finding topics requested by its users, or topics that others are discussed, and which may be of interest to the user.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Xavi: Barca still better than Bayern

Xavi says European champion Bayern Munich, it was better than Barcelona last season.
Bayern humiliated Barca in both matches of the Champions League semifinals, but Xavi believes otherwise.
"You have to look beyond the results and to analyze how the matches went. They were forced to change their style of play when we faced and did not play with their usual style open ".
"They used their speed side, they pressured us well and consistently defended. But we dominuam possession, they can not take this for us, "said Xavi. / Telegraph /