Wednesday 5 June 2013


(A dialog imagine)

Month I.

Mom, I am only 2 cm long, but I have all the bodies. I love your voice and listen whenever you move the hands and feet. The beating of your heart are my favorite lullabies.

Month II.
... Mom, today I learned of sucking fingers. Yes to the look will understand that I grew up a bit, but still not as big as I can live out my house. This is so warm.

Month III.

I know what Mom? I'm a girl. I hope to make it happy. I want you to be happy always. I do not like crying, you look so sad .. Sad and I cry with you even though you can not hear me.

Month IV.

Mom, my hair started to grow. Are still short of exquisite, but I do not get bored because the later will have a long and beautiful. I spend a lot of time doing exercises. For example, you can now turn your head and move your fingers. Well it seems to get better mbar.

V. Month

Mom, you were the doctor today. He lied, be said that I am not a baby, but I'm a baby. I'm your baby. Mommy, what's abortion?

Month VI.

Today I heard the doctor again. I do not like that it seems cold and heartless. Something is embarking on my way home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? If the burn .. Please tell mom to stop. Please help me. : '(

Month VII.

Mom now I'm good. 'm In paradise, in the hands of an angel. It is the bearing. Told me about abortion. Why not with loving mom? I forgave but what will the Lord say, I do not wanted, I extralegal another man, or ...

The borrowed

Many Muslim men and women do not limit the number of children or their children for fear of poverty. How can a believer and believing fear of poverty or the risk of their child, when Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said: "There is no creature on earth that God has guaranteed not to supply it." (Hood , 6). Also, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: "How many are the creatures that are unable to supply its own. God endows them also. He is the Hearing, the Knowing. "(Al Ankabut, 60)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has forbidden us to do so.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: "Do not kill your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them and you, killing them is a great sin." (Al-Isra, 31)

O Muslims, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reliance and fear not supply your children, because He who has guaranteed supply them while they are in the womb, He who has guaranteed supply in this world.