Monday 17 June 2013

Google Balloon: Internet from the stratosphere, for the entire planet!

Google has released some internet antenna for transmitting the stratosphere. These antennas are shaped balloon, and through their Google hopes to cover the entire planet with the Internet.

After 18 months of intensive work, Google's secret project which she called "Loon Project" was introduced to the public in New Zealand, where 50 families who were volunteering on the project website received signal, which comes from the stratosphere.

Although Google project is still in an early stage of testing, the company hopes to soon release hundreds of balloons into thin air, with which to bring the Internet to the entire planet, including the most remote parts of which there will never be covered by the network.

If the tests prove to be successful, the technology could enable many countries to reduce the cost of building infrastructure and increasing use of the Internet, in places like Africa and Southeast Asia. Currently, access to the Internet have over 2.2 billion people across the planet.

"This is a big step. A goal that should be pursued, "said Mike Cassidy, an engineer at Google. According to Google engineers, need about 1000 such balloons to cover the entire planet powered by the Internet, but it is not known when it will happen this extraordinary investment company Google.

The first person who has gained access to the Internet by Google Balloon this week was Charles Nimmo, a farmer and entrepreneur in the small town of Leeston. His internet connection lasted 15 minutes. / Telegraph /