Sunday 16 June 2013

"It was brought from buried" new song of Victor

Albanian legendary rapper, Victor, has released his new song, entitled "I brought from vorri".

Song of the Albanian fans awaited the benchmark was launched exactly at midnight on 15 June, as was announced and many may have good enough reception.

Victoria once appeared in an extremely high level, keeping his iconic style lyricizmit, which also commonly known by many as one of the 'poets' best Albanian.

In this song, which was released in audio version (as Victor has never launched video) Victor interprets powerful text that speaks mainly about the visit he made ​​last year at home and how this has motivated him to return more powerful.

He also elaborates on the political realities of Kosovo, once again hitting the mark statesmen, as it has done in past projects.

This is the first song of Victor after his magnificent concert held in Pristina before 25 thousand fans. He stayed for about two months at home and now continues to live and act in America. / Telegraph /