Thursday 13 June 2013

Facebook introduces the clickable hashtag

Facebook has introduced hashtags, function already familiar to users, ie numerical sign (#) used by Twitter, Instagram and other social networks, which enables users to identify the topics discussed on the site, and their search easier .
In a new posting on her blog, Facebook said that users will now be able to click a hashtag to see a list of discussions around a particular theme.

For example, if you create a hashtag for "telegraph" or "slip", Facebook will connect all posts related to those words, to enable a user to click to find all posts for the Telegraph, or topics related to the word English.

Facebook said that hashtags are a first step towards easing finding topics requested by its users, or topics that others are discussed, and which may be of interest to the user.

Starting today, Facebook said that hashtag-s will be available for its users, and that all of them will accept the new post in the coming weeks. / Telegraph /